Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Consultant
Fast ForWord® Provider
The Listening Program® Provider

Sonya Sommerville
I have long been fascinated by the brain and how it works. It is amazing to me that we can use our brain to change almost anything about ourselves, including how our brain works. Homeschooling two daughters with dyslexia (and another with ADHD) has also taught me how frustrating it can be when your brain doesn’t work the way you want it to. Over the years we tried many different approaches, some worked, some didn’t, but at the end of the day we learned that there is always a way, if you just keep looking.
I’m also continuing to learn about the brain and it’s amazing ability to reshape itself through movement, practice, and habit. I’m astounded that the incredible discoveries about the brain and research into learning from past 20 – 30 years have barely been acknowledged outside of academia, and in my opinion should be common knowledge in educational circles guiding teaching methods and modalities. It isn’t as critical for those students who don’t struggle with learning differences, but for those who do struggle, it often makes the difference between success and failure in the education system.
Beat of a Different Drum

How it Started
I have known for many years that I want to work with and support students and families who are struggling with learning challenges. I am lucky enough to be doing just that; however, I feel that it is not enough. There are so many kids who slip through the cracks every year, who would benefit so much from knowing that they are not dumb or stupid, only that their brain just works differently and there is nothing wrong with that!
With the support and persistent encouragement (aka butt-kicking) from my oldest daughter, who happens to be the neuro-divergent reason I ever started down this rabbit hole, I begain my Instagram account and this website to share my knowledge and further support families and students. I firmly believe that this kind of knowledge should not be only for the “professionals” or that money should be a barrier to a successful life. No child should ever be left behind, pushed aside, ignored, or feel worthless because they do not fit the mould of the current education system.