I am a licensed BRMT consultant and supporting integration of primitive reflexes is an important part of my work. For information on specific reflexes and available BRMT courses, please check out the BRMT Canada website.

What is Blomberg Rhythmic Movement?

BRMT Consultants are trained to assess individual challenges, examine reflexes that may be active and contributing to specific challenges, and provide movements to help with reflex integration to help people reach their full potential. It can benefit children, parents, adults, senior citizens, therapists and teachers. BRMT movements can improve the quality of life for all ages by supporting the integration of reflexes that are still active.


BRMT gives us a way to integrate elements of our primitive reflexes in a safe space to allow us to access and use these skills in our everyday lives. When reflexes are integrated, we use more energy and resources just to make it through the day, leaving us chronically exhausted.


Learn techniques and tools to help you self-regulate and reach a place of centred calm within yourself. You can use these skills at any time in any place, leading to a more balanced life and health.


By working with a licensed BRMT consultant, you will unlock resources and skills that were previously blocked. Working together to re-calibrate your nervous system and integrate these vital movements into your everyday life will make an astounding impact on your energy and the ease at which you move through life.

Often, the root of these challenges is unintegrated reflexes and/or an inability to access all parts of the brain fully.

The Benefits

The spontaneous primitive reflex movements that infants normally do lays the foundation for the neural networks that connect the various areas of the brain responsible for learning, motor abilities, behaviour, communication, and emotional well-being. These primitive reflexes should be integrated in the early years of life. 

Blomberg Rhythmic Movements are simple movements that replicate these innate infant movement patterns to create new neural pathways in the brain, assisting with integration of primitive reflexes that may not have been naturally fully integrated.

Helps integrate and manage symptoms of:

  • Autism
  • Self-regulation and Difficulty Controlling Impulses
  • Behavioural Challenges
  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity (ADD / ADHD)
  • Dyslexia / Academic Challenges
  • Language Delays
  • Delayed Motor Development / Low Muscle Tone
  • Joint Pain / Osteoarthritis
  • Digestive Issues
  • Memory Loss or Fatigue
  • Unspecified developmental issues that don’t fit any diagnostic criteria

Not sure where to start?

Learning with a divergent mind or with a divergent child can be overwhelming. Don’t hesitate to reach out and I will help you every step of the way!