
Someone in Your Corner

Having a child who experiences learning challenges can be very difficult and draining. I have been there and what makes all the difference is knowing you have someone who not only understands what are going through, but also offers suggestions and resources to help guide you through. I have worked with a wide variety of kids and learning challenges and supported a number of parents over the years. I believe in a judgment-free environment where we can talk about the situations you and your child are facing, providing advice and recommendations of additional support and resources.


My Principles

I may not be for everyone and that’s okay! For those who are interested, I offer coaching to parents who need that extra support or are unsure what their next step should be.



You need someone in your corner who has similar experiences, understands the frustrations, and has been exactly where you are right now. You’ve got this!



It can be overwhelming when you first start out to know what to believe and where to start. I will point you in the right direction towards reliable resources, and offer new ideas and suggestions for you to consider.


No Nonsense

I am a practical person and I pride myself on telling you what I really think. If you are looking for someone to fix your problems for you, or tell you what to do, you are in the wrong space. By signing up for coaching you are committing to taking an active, supportive role in your child’s education. This means committing to trying new approaches and being willing to make some changes. Venting frustrations is important, but it is a place along the way, not the destination.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein

Virtual or Live

Depending on your location ( I am based in Waterloo) we can meet in person or online. Based on your needs, this can be a one time consultation or a ongoing routine.


Someday I hope to be able to create a supportive and connected community where we share and grow together. If this is something you would like to be included In please let me know.


I am in now way a licensed phyco- therapist or have any background in cognitive therapy, phycology or other forms of traditional therapy.

Not sure where to start?

Learning with a divergent mind or with a divergent child can be overwhelming. Don’t hesitate to reach out and I will help you every step of the way!