Beat of a different drum

Learning With a Divergent Mind


Month: November 2018

Something Better Than Accommodations?

If you had asked me three or four years ago whether a dyslexic brain could ever fundamentally change in how it functions, I would have answered with a definite no.  I believed that you could make some gradual improvements with Read more…

Books: The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan

In my previous post, Can Someone With Dyslexia Love to Read?, I referenced a book by Ben Foss called The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan.**  Over the years I have read a number of books about dyslexia, and they all had one Read more…

Can Someone With Dyslexia Love to Read?

The short answer is, yes, it is possible.  Both my daughters with dyslexia love to read, but it didn’t come quickly (think 6 – 8 years from starting to learn to read) and it looks different for both of them. Read more…