Beat of a different drum

Learning With a Divergent Mind


Month: March 2019

Dyslexia: Sea of Brilliance

This description of dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz is excellent!  So often it is too easy to get caught up in all the seemingly simple things that are so difficult for someone with dyslexia.  Particularly with a child struggling to read, Read more…

Are Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia Related?

While many people may have at least heard of dyslexia, few are familiar with dyscalculia and dysgraphia.  In my opinion, they all fall under the same general umbrella. According to the International Dyslexia Association, “Dyslexia is a specific learning disability Read more…

Check Reading Development as Carefully as Physical Development

“Just as a parent would not think of ignoring her [or his] child’s scheduled physical with his pediatrician, every parent should regularly observe her [or his] child reading.  Given the high prevalence of reading difficulties, it is much more likely Read more…

Having Dyslexia is Like Being Left-Handed

One of the ideas I worked very hard to reinforce to my kids was that having dyslexia did not mean that there was anything wrong with them.  It’s a genetic variation in how the brain processes information that has its Read more…

Variety Is the Spice of Life

Never was this aphorism more true than for a person with dyslexia!  In our enthusiasm to address the challenges of dyslexia it is easy to hyperfocus on developing skills, remediation exercises, and overcoming obstacles.  But in the pursuit of working Read more…

Books: The Illustrated Guide to Dyslexia and Its Amazing People

Nothing is worse to explain dyslexia to parents and children than a predominantly text based book that uses language such as ‘orthographic processing’, or ‘phonemic awareness’.  It isn’t that these concepts aren’t important to understand, but when beginning the journey Read more…

Books: Creative Successful Dyslexic

I am always on the search for books that have a balanced or positive perspective on dyslexia.  Learning that you or your child has dyslexia can be a very isolating experience, and many of the books intended to be helpful Read more…

Can Audiobooks Improve Visual Reading?

Absolutely!   I am a big fan of audiobooks for people with dyslexia, provided that the student has good auditory skills and doesn’t just tune out an audiobook.   Reading Fluency Depends on Combining the Auditory and the Visual   Read more…

Reading Fluency: Reading Together

One of the more difficult skills for a person with dyslexia to develop is reading fluency.  Reading fluency is the ability to read quickly, accurately, with full comprehension and expression.  The transition from beginning reader to fluent reader takes time Read more…