Beat of a different drum

Learning With a Divergent Mind

Upcoming Brain Gym® Course

I am a licensed Brain Gym® Instructor and am offering the BG104 course starting at the end of January.  This 16 hour course for adults is a detailed study of the 26 foundational Brain Gym® movements, and the principles behind Brain Gym® .  These simple movements facilitate whole brain learning and incorporate the often overlooked physical components of learning – visual, auditory, motor, and stress management.  This course is accredited by Breakthroughs International.

The goal of Brain Gym is to support people to achieve peak performance through designed movement.  Brain Gym has been in use for over 30 years and is taught in over 80 countries.  It is beneficial for everyone, but it is particularly supportive for those who struggle with learning challenges.  After completing this course, you will be familiar with all 26 Brain Gym movements and how they impact different physical and mental skills.  You will also learn 4 foundational movements (PACE) that are a great start to every day as they prepare the brain for effective learning.  The course manual provides you with an excellent reference for all 26 movements as well as the key principles behind Brain Gym, and how to apply these movements to different learning situations. 

I will be teaching the course over Zoom from 6:30 – 9:45 pm EST on January 27, 31, February 3, 7 and 10th.   The course cost is $300 per person (plus HST), not including the manual.  I am still sourcing pricing for the manual but it will probably be approximately $50. 

If you would like more information, or if you would like to register, please email me at