Beat of a different drum

Learning With a Divergent Mind


Category: Neuroplasticity

Links Between Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

There are so many interconnections in our brains that it is impossible to completely separate one function from another.  Often when people talk about dyslexia they are referring specifically to a difficulty with reading which is the literal definition of Read more…

Remembering New Words . . . or Not!!

If you have a child who is having difficulty learning to read, you’ll easily recognize this frustration! Your child has successfully (although perhaps slowly) read a new word.  Then on the next day, or on the next page, or even Read more…

Something Better Than Accommodations?

If you had asked me three or four years ago whether a dyslexic brain could ever fundamentally change in how it functions, I would have answered with a definite no.  I believed that you could make some gradual improvements with Read more…