Beat of a different drum

Learning With a Divergent Mind


Month: April 2019

Developing Reading Fluency

There is nothing like the feeling of relief and success you feel when your child begins to actually read!  Suddenly, each and every word isn’t a struggle, sentences start to sound like connected words, and most importantly your child feels Read more…

Making Reading Fun!

When we started homeschooling, I had two simple goals, I wanted our kids to love reading (which also implies knowing how to read comfortably) I wanted them to love learning If we achieved these two goals, they could teach themselves Read more…

How Is Dyslexia Identified?

Dyslexia is not diagnosed by a single test, but rather a broad blend of criteria.  The number one diagnosis for problems with learning to read is dyslexia, and since dyslexia is genetic, family history is a key component of the Read more…