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Learning With a Divergent Mind


Category: Dyslexia

When To Help a Struggling Reader?

The short answer is immediately! Not all children who struggle with learning to read have dyslexia, but many do. I know a number of parents and educators who take the approach that some children who struggle aren’t ready yet for Read more…

Free Audio Resources

As we collectively turn in to home for the foreseeable future, many good resources are now available for free.  The resources I’ve listed below are particularly useful for kids with dyslexia.  Audio books are an excellent resource for people with Read more…

Can Adults Have Dyslexia?

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Absolutely!  Approximately 20% of the population has dyslexia, and that includes both adults and kids.  Just because an adult can read (and there are many who can’t read or can’t read well, but hide it) does not mean they don’t Read more…

Links Between Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

There are so many interconnections in our brains that it is impossible to completely separate one function from another.  Often when people talk about dyslexia they are referring specifically to a difficulty with reading which is the literal definition of Read more…

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

One of the biggest challenges with dyslexia is that so few people, even educators, know what it is (and isn’t) or how to identify it.  It is often termed a silent disability, but to quote Dr. Kelli Sandman-Hurley, “Many people Read more…

Reading Can Be Fun?

You will have a difficult time finding any activity that a child with dyslexia hates more than reading, unless perhaps it is writing or spelling. Reading is such an exhausting, frustrating, and emotionally loaded activity for someone with dyslexia, it Read more…

When Doing Your Best Doesn’t Seem to Be Working

We often associate doing our best with achieving the same results, or better, every time. Doing your best is not about results, it is about the effort applied to the task. This seems very simple and obvious to say, but Read more…

Developing Reading Fluency

There is nothing like the feeling of relief and success you feel when your child begins to actually read!  Suddenly, each and every word isn’t a struggle, sentences start to sound like connected words, and most importantly your child feels Read more…

Making Reading Fun!

When we started homeschooling, I had two simple goals, I wanted our kids to love reading (which also implies knowing how to read comfortably) I wanted them to love learning If we achieved these two goals, they could teach themselves Read more…

How Is Dyslexia Identified?

Dyslexia is not diagnosed by a single test, but rather a broad blend of criteria.  The number one diagnosis for problems with learning to read is dyslexia, and since dyslexia is genetic, family history is a key component of the Read more…