Beat of a different drum

Learning With a Divergent Mind

Books: Creative Successful Dyslexic

I am always on the search for books that have a balanced or positive perspective on dyslexia.  Learning that you or your child has dyslexia can be a very isolating experience, and many of the books intended to be helpful I have found to be more discouraging than encouraging.  Few people talk about having dyslexia, even though 10-20% of the population has some form of it.  It is not uncommon to feel embarrassed, isolated, fearful, or discouraged.  Talking about it and hearing from those who have dyslexia and gone on to live productive lives following their dreams is a great antidote.   Creative Successful Dyslexic** by Margaret Rooke is just such a book.   It shares the stories of 23 people with dyslexia who have followed their dreams and live creative, productive, and successful lives.  The author is a successful writer for newspapers and magazines, and her daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 13. It is an inspirational book to encourage people with dyslexia, and those who love them, to keep following their dreams and find their own particular niche in the world that allows them to use their unique skills.  Although each story is unique, you will see common threads emerge . . . difficulty with formal schooling, relief at getting a diagnosis, developing a strong work ethic, and most importantly the need to have someone believe in you and encourage you to tackle your challenges and pursue your dreams.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who has dyslexia, or knows someone with dyslexia. You are definitely not alone!

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